Things that may be driving customers from your website So your website is up and running, your happy with the design, all your links are working, load times are great. So why is it that your visitors are running away in droves? The answer may lie in these few mistakes, regularly made by web designers and people who design their own websites. Auto playing music or videos. People don't want auto play functionality. They want to be in control of what they experience. Also this can lead to slow page load, as not all people have fast Internet speeds. Pop Ups. Those annoying ads that pop up, just when you're in the middle of reading an interesting article, or your browsing a product, and it will only close when you have either entered your email or you manage to find the really small close button Complicated navigation. Simple web design is best. Less is more. When designing your website, write down on a piece of paper, what you main headings are going to be. Use diagrams a...